Portfolio A wise manThe window with violetsA light and a shadowA good manNudeOld town ElenaAutumnAfterThe boatSomewhereThe old lightVioletsA garlicGood Day SunshineA rose in sepiaHistory with stringsHopeRomantic moodJust another dayA last hopeTimelessnessSea hieroglyphicsSozopolSunrise for lonersThe chairSomething given, something missingThe green chair56.75The light, the shadow and the hopeSomewhere, not hereA door from TursiSummer dreamingThe roseMy soulLook at all the lonely peopleMelancholyJust a window...The blue boatItalyThe window with sunflowersFlowersFlowers in the wallA chair with flowersA moment from BiccariLoneliness for twoSpringA true storyFlowered windowVeniceGarlicThe green door from TursiTursiНачалоThe white windowSilenzio in ItalyAfter the rainFading like a flower65638983_451657398949179_1010598782477271040_nAloneEliThe new windowShe and heN5TouchTouch 2Together aloneTouch 3Самотата на розатаIt must have been loveПод небето на ИталияRosesVenice1Ангел Кънчев 17Ода за чесъна29 октомвриЛюта чушкаРозаРозаВреме за четенеГлухарчета"Лече"НатюрмортНатюрмортБюжуриПрозорецМатераСлънчева носталгияОт светлини към сенкиЛодкиМеланхолияСозополСозополМатераЛюти чушкиМатераИталияПрез прозорецаГърцияЛятоКаприИстанбулКафе с мляко и бадемиПарижГръцко лято